![]() Like the character Bobbi Ryan, Kori found herself facing a crisis pregnancy. Sadly, many young girls and women face this situation and need to make huge and life altering decisions. I love Because Of Grácia! This film moves me every time I watch it. The Bobbi and Jesse story is so much of what I lived through in my own life during a crisis pregnancy. This movie forthrightly addresses and portrays the very real fears and devastation that accompany a crisis pregnancy. And the authenticity and love that Grácia offers Bobbi in her anguish satisfies my longing for goodness, wholeness, and healing in a very painful and challenging situation. To see Bobby rise above her circumstances thrills my soul and is a picture of God taking the ashes of a life and turning them into vast beauty. Also, knowing that Grácia has a hard event in her own history that she has been able to overcome, and how she chooses to live a powerfully intentional life in Jesus inspires. Her liberty is pronounced, abundant, refreshing, and awesome. Jesus is the great Redeemer of our lives no matter what we have been through. There is nothing He can not set right. “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” Own your life. Be brave. And “speak the truth even if your voice shakes.” Live life abundant. Kori is the wife of Jamie and a homeschooling momma to two heroes-in-training. Once a dancer at Disneyland, she is now dancing upon injustice and working for truth in whatever sphere of influence the Lord puts her in. Area Director for Concerned Women Of America of East Texas, Kori is diving into work she never imagined she’d be such an active part of: public policy. She has a deep love for God’s word, life and righteousness and loves to serve her family. Kori has a passion for America and its providential history.
This first time I watched 'Because Of Grácia' was opening weekend back in September 2017. I had found out about the film because I follow actor Chris Massoglia on social media and he had been promoting it for several months leading up to the film's release. I started reading up on the film and it immediately sparked my interest. I was particularly drawn to the topics that they were going to cover because they were not topics typically handled in film, at least not to the same caliber. As soon as tickets for the film became available, I pre-ordered one for my birthday, which was the same time as the film's opening weekend. I did not have anyone to go with, but I was more than happy to go to the film anyway. In fact, sometimes I prefer seeing films for the first time by myself. I did not have anything planned for my actual birthday, so, I celebrated my birthday by going to see 'Because Of Grácia'! When I arrived at the theater, I was approached by a member from the Lehigh Valley Students For Life who was there promoting the film. That was when I realized that 'Because Of Gracia' was more than just a film, it was an opportunity for people to speak up about an important topic, pro-life vs. pro-choice.
I was truly amazed and impressed with every aspect of the film -- cinematography, casting, character development, plot, etc. -- it was all incredibly well done. (My full review of the film can be found on the 'Because Of Grácia' Facebook page). However, perhaps the best part of the film for me was the fact that it caused me to think, specifically it caused me to think about my stance on the issue of pro-life vs. pro-choice. Before seeing the film, I was not sure where I stood. Part of me never agreed with the idea of abortion, however, everywhere I turned I saw people promoting it. I was surrounded by friends and family who were openly pro-choice and, because I have never been one to really speak up, I never challenged them. So when I saw a film that actually promoted life, it was refreshing. Seeing the characters stand up for what they believed in, even through times of hardship, was encouraging. Watching Grácia Davis, the new girl at school, stand up to her peers and teachers to speak up about her beliefs was eye-opening and empowering. Watching Chase Morgan recite a monologue in front of his class about his personal journey with Jesus was moving and inspiring. And watching Bobbi Ryan make a last-minute, life-altering decision right outside of the abortion clinic not to follow through with an abortion was emotional and powerful. These characters began to give me courage, courage to not be ashamed of my beliefs and to share them with others. It has now been over a year since the first time I watched 'Because Of Grácia', and admittedly I am still struggling to find my voice at times. However, it is easier for me to speak up now than it ever was before. And I owe that to this film. So, in conclusion, had it not been for 'Because Of Grácia', I never would have realized how much I believe in being pro-life. I never would have had the courage to challenge the beliefs of those around me and be confident in doing so. This film changed my life, which is something I will be forever grateful for. - Ashley ![]() Since I started acting at the age of 10, no project has changed my life the way Because of Grácia has. God really used Because of Gracia to make a shift in my life! I’ll always be so grateful to Him for opening the door for me to play Chase in Because Of Gracia. God Revealed His Heart To Me For The Pre-Born When I first read the script, the main hook that pulled me in was the relationship dynamics between my character Chase, and the lead in our film - Gracia. I was reading it through the lens of my character’s eyes, and thus some of the other themes of the film didn’t necessarily jump out at me right away. When I watched the movie for the first time, one of the most impactful scenes to me was a scene outside of an abortion clinic. Every since that first time seeing the film, the theme of the sanctity of life really came alive to me in a special way. Yes, this was after we had gotten done filming! It’s safe to say Because of Grácia impacted me heavily as an audience member in addition to impacting me as an actor! As part of the promotion for Because of Grácia we went to the annual March For Life in Washington D.C. God really used the young people there and the speakers to touch my heart. I wanted to be a voice for the voiceless and speak out for these innocent lives that are being lost by the millions! Since being apart of this film, the sanctity of life has become one of these issues that I pray for, fight for, and will always speak up for. Introduced To The Christian Film Circle Because of Grácia was my first “Christian” film - a film that expressly promotes faith in Jesus Christ. As a Christian myself, it was an amazing experience to act in a faith film. My character Chase Morgan is a young man struggling with his own faith walk. At a certain point Chase recites a spoken word poem about Jesus and as an actor this is was one of my most memorable moments! It was such an amazing experience to “act” as a character speaking of the attributes of a savior that I so deeply love and have a connection too. It was a powerful moment for me and one of the only times I’ve felt close to God while the cameras were rolling. This moment and many other moments like it opened my eyes to how great it is to do faith films! Because of Grácia opened doors for me to connect with other believers making movies, and the connections I’ve made I’m super grateful for. While I’m not putting off other non-faith films (My latest film The Lumber Baron isn’t a “faith” film), I would love to be in additional faith films! Lessons Of God Works All For The Good & All Things Are Possible! While I would love to be in more faith films, like most industries even the “faith” film industry isn’t perfect. Through many challenges of working alongside so-called “Christians” God has taught me a lot of lessons. Forgiveness, trust, that all things are possible, and the biggest one -- He will work all things out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. No matter how large or small the financial success of Because of Grácia ultimately is, I know this film has been a huge success in God’s eyes. Even now close to a year after the film’s release, stories are still pouring in regarding how Because of Grácia’s message have touched many lives. God works all things for the good! Even how this film started is amazing to me. Writer and director Tom Simes had a dream as a high school teacher to make a film & it actually happened! God can make anything happen. This has been a huge inspiration to me. It’s given me faith and courage to continue to tell stories through this amazing medium we call movies. Chris Massoglia plays “Chase” in Because of Grácia. To learn more about Chris and see his recent projects check out: www.chrismassoglia.com or follow him on Instagram at www.instagram.com/chrismassoglia |